Answering Australia’s call for cleaner energy
At Vena Energy, we are dedicated to accelerating the energy transition in Australia, while contributing to the sustainability of our host communities, the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, and economic growth. In Australia, Vena Energy has commissioned an operational portfolio of 448.5 MW of solar and energy storage projects, with a development pipeline of onshore solar and wind, hydrogen, and energy storage projects totally over 6 GW.
Featured Projects
Wandoan South Solar 2
Miles Renewable Project
Tailem Bend 2 Hybrid Project
Our Commitments
Sustainability is at the heart of all that we do at Vena Energy in Australia. We aim to accelerate the energy transition across the country but placing sustainable and affordable development of renewable energy solutions at the centre of our strategy. We are committed to empowering and enriching our host communities, their environment and local economies.
Vena energy australia by the numbers
Local sustainability metrics


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions in Tonnes2

Water Saved
in Megalitres3

Equivalent Cars Removed
from the Road4

Equivalent Trees
- Households Powered is based on annual household electricity consumption of each operating country derived from Residential Electricity Consumption data obtained from the International Energy Agency (2020) and number of households data derived from population data from United Nations (2022) and household size data taken from United Nations (2022) and Statista database (2021).
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction is calculated assuming that the generation from renewable energy plants replaces an equal quantity of electricity generated using coal, gas and oil. Unique GHG emissions factors were calculated for each country based on each country’s GHG emissions factor published on the UNFCCC Harmonized IFI Default Grid Factors 2021 v3.2.
- Water Saved is calculated based on the water consumption of solar and wind power plants compared against the various sources of power generation in each country where Vena Energy operates in. Unique water savings factors were calculated for each country based on respective country energy mix obtained from International Energy Agency (2020-21) and water use intensity factors from a paper titled “Water Demand Scenarios for Electricity Generation at the Global and Regional Levels” by Terrapon-Pfaff, et al., (2020).
- Equivalent Cars Removed from the Road is based on annual GHG emissions of passenger vehicles obtained from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, last updated: April 2023.
- Equivalent Trees Planted is based on the amount of GHG sequestered by a medium growth coniferous or deciduous tree, planted in an urban setting and allowed to grow for 10 years, data obtained from the United States Environmental Protection Agency website, last updated: April 2023.